Tools Programming
For this project I was tasked with the creation of a tool that is designed to operate on game pipeline data. This project required me to implement world editing features and to enhance the usability of the tool.
The features of this application fall under two categories which are world editing and usability of the tool. The features are listed below;
Usability Enhancement Features
Mouse picking - this feature allows the user to select an object within the scene.
Object highlight - When an object is selected within the scene it is highlighted so that the user can tell which object within the scene is selected.
Expanded camera - A basic camera was provided within the code framework however this camera lacked basic functionality. The camera was expanded so that it could move in all direction and use mouse input to manipulate the camera's orientation. A camera focus feature was implemented, this allows the user to focus the camera on the selected object when a keybind is pressed.
Transformation options - This feature was added using MFC to allow the user to select the transformation mode
Camera options - This feature was also added using MFC, this allows the user to edit the camera speed and rotation speed.
World Editing Features
Copy and paste - When a keybind is pressed the user can copy and paste the currently selected object within the scene.
Object manipulation - The user can transform the currently selected object within the scene by using keybinds. This allows the user to translate, rotate and scale an object depending on which transformation mode is selected.